Wednesday, 20 April 2011


When you have a vacant position, one or more of the following things may happen. 

* Time To Market (TTM) is dramatically impacted by the entire production chain. Because departmental schedules and plans are closely interwoven, any disruption in one department may adversely affect all others.
* In industries that are seasonal (i.e. toys) this disruption may be even more costly. Vacancies in key skill positions may mean that products and projects may need to be dropped altogether.
* Team product development may be dramatically impacted by the disruption caused by the lost productivity, lost experience, leadership, idea generation and skills of the “vacated” person.
* If a team environment exists, a disruption in team cohesiveness may occur. This can result in a longer TTM (Time To Market) and a loss of focus that can also impact TTM.
* Vacancies may affect the idea generation of others because co-workers are frustrated or overworked.
* Vacancies may cause overworked employees (because they have to fill in) to tire, which may cause increased accidents.
* Vacancies may cause overworked employees to tire, which may adversely affect product quality through increased error rates.
* Excessive vacancies may lead to increase “whining,” grievances and even union activity.
* If the team leader is the “vacancy” then “time to productivity” is likely to be even more negatively impacted.
*A vacancy may make a manager reluctant to terminate poor performing employees. Vacancies coupled with poor performers can cripple the team.
* A vacancy means that a current employee must do the work of the vacant position. This can cause a cascade effect causing others to have to fill in for their position, resulting in many “rusty” people doing unfamiliar jobs and decreasing productivity.
* Vacancies may frustrate other employees, causing them to lower their productivity.
* Vacancies may frustrate other employees, causing them to quit at higher rate than they normally would.
* Vacancies may cause the team to miss its goals, thereby reducing the possibility of individual and team incentives, which may further reduce productivity.
* Increased stress on overworked current employees (caused by having to fill in) may cause increased absenteeism and tardiness.
* Vacancies may hold up vacation time for current employees who may lead to increased stress or frustration.
* Understaffed departments will not be able to send current employees to training and conferences, which may lead to increased stress, decreased worker knowledge or frustration.
* If temps or “fill-ins” must be hired, they usually have a higher error rate that the average employee and they are unlikely to generate many new ideas.
*Superstar employees often resent being asked to fill in when lesser employees positions are vacant, which may cause them to quit also.
* Teams with vacancies require “high maintenance” and more management attention and worry.
* Managers often have to skip their normal management planning and responsibilities in order to fill in for the vacant employee.
* When managers fill in for “vacant” employees that time can’t be spent on the best employees.
* Vacancies in management and team leader positions have a multiplier effect on productivity and the recruitment of others.
* There are opportunity costs for things a manager and co-workers could have done if they didn’t have to carry the extra load of filling in for a vacancy.
*If the vacancies are caused by top management decisions (hiring or budget freezes) it can cause managers to lose hope. This can impact morale and it may lead to a high management turnover rate.
* Excessive vacancies may send a message to customers and suppliers that we are getting weak or we don’t care about them. It may cause a period of confusion for suppliers and customers regarding whom they can contact and the stability of the relationship. Errors caused by “vacant” employees may lose sales volume and occasionally customers.
*Any “fill in” as a sales/account rep may provide them an opportunity or excuse to look for other suppliers.
* Excessive vacancies may cause management to panic and to “quickly” hire some poor performers. Once the team is saddled with a large number of poor performers, you may never be able to hire any new top performers.
* Vacancies at the CEO, CFO, CTO, and other top manager positions can adversely impact our financing and the willingness of others to partner/merge with us.
* Vacancies in key positions may send a message to analysts and the stock market that you are getting weak.
* Vacancies may send a message to competitors that you are vulnerable, which can lead to increased competitive pressures.
*A large number of vacancies means we are losing employees, which means weakening our culture. New employees with new values may change or dilute our values and “corrupt” current employees.
* Excessive vacancies sends a message to your competitors you are getting weak. This might encourage them and improve their own confidence so that they become bolder in the product and employee poaching market.
* Vacancies may impact new recruiting because vacancies send a message to future recruits that we are not easily able to recruit replacements.
* Large numbers of vacancies may also send a message to our current employees we are headed downhill.
* High vacancy rates may over-stress our recruiters and recruitment process.
*Vacancies may send a message to outside recruiters that we are vulnerable, which can lead to increased “headhunter” activity.
* Having to hire high-cost consultants as “fill in help” could mean higher costs. If hourly employees are involved it probably means additional overtime costs.
*Vacancies can mean the underutilization of plant and equipment.
* The new hire may be a lower quality (low performance) candidate.
* New hires are unlikely to be immediately productive, thus resulting in increased costs.
* Some “vacating employees” take others with them soon after they leave. A “break in the dike” of one leaving may cause the whole intact team to leave.
* Many new hires don’t work out and must be replaced within 6 months, essentially stretching the length of the vacancy.
* In a tight labor market vacancies in hard to hire jobs may not be replaceable, at any cost.
*In start-ups and small departments, where there is little cross training, the cost may be more dramatic. If you only have ten employees and you lose two, you have a 20% vacancy rate (big deal!).
* Spending the time to avoid vacancies may have a huge ROI especially if your former employees go to a competitor with “your” ideas, causing their revenues to increase as yours go down.

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