Leaders and managers spend a lot of time and efforts
figuring out how to develop people’s talent, shape their performance, and
motivate them to improve.
But when was the last time we focused on ourselves? Specifically,
how’s our credibility? Does it need some attention? Here are 10 ways to boost our
credibility with associates, customers, and everyone else within our sphere of
1. Demonstrate ownership and a sense of urgency. Our
associates and customers want a quick turnaround when they have a problem or
concern. Show them they matter.
2. Be clear on when we will respond. When a problem or
concern arises, quickly communicate details on how we will fix the issue, and
ensure it doesn’t happen again.
3. Return calls and emails promptly. Don’t let emails sit in
the inbox unanswered, and don’t hide behind the voicemail—especially if we’ve
made a mistake. Be reachable.
4. Meet face-to-face when possible. Email is handy, but it
isn’t the right mode of communication for resolving conflicts, having
discussions, or expressing feelings.
5. Be open, candid, and transparent. Don’t withhold
information that we should be sharing. Don’t force others to ask for the truth;
volunteer it. Being open instills trust.
6. Earn trust—don’t ask for it. The worst thing a manager
can say is “Trust me!” Build credibility with own actions and we’ll never have
to ask for it.
7. Follow through with agreements. If we say we’re going to
do something, do it. Never make others beg for information that we said we
would provide.
8. Admit the mistakes. Be accountable for own actions.
Nothing destroys credibility more than blaming everyone else and refusing to
point out finger.
9. Restate commitments. If a customer or associate agrees to
anything, restate back to them what they’ve just agreed to. That way there will
be surprises—from us or from them.
10. Set a good example. If we blame others, worry, get
hysterical, do things in a mediocre way, have disorganized methods, or fail to
see others’ potential, so will our associates.
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